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Thursday, July 12, 2012


Looks like we have a new gaming system coming out pretty soon. And from what I'm reading, it's only supposed to cost 99 bucks. The name of this console is "Ouya". It says that the creators of this system raised 3 million dollars in the matter of 2 days using the crowd funding site Kickstarter.

Ouya is an Android-powered open gaming console, which means all game developers will be able to make games for the Ouya without the licensing fees and all that.

The release date for Ouya is scheduled for March 2013 and its creators promise a price under $100.

   See the Video for this Product here:

I hope these guys know what they are doing. Gamers are a hard bunch to please, and can be very vicious if they don't get what they pay for. The console itself will be under $100, but how much will the actual games cost? And what percentage of sales are you wanting from the developers? Throwing yourself into a 75+ billion dollar industry and wanting so little seems hard to believe. But then again I'm no video game expert. Good Luck!


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